Mamuka Tsetskhladze

The main thread of Mamuka Tsetskhladze’s work was created in the post-Soviet era. It is astonishing that during such a difficult period, it still tells the story of the beauty of the world – describing its natural or created brilliance and the happiness of “being”. In this way his script and its existential narrative turn into an “anthem” of culture. The artist acts within the framework of the aesthetic and humanistic values that are manifested in the cultural categories of the world and accord life splendor and light. With this position, the artist introduces the idea of overcoming crisis through culture. He is an artist and culturologist who studies and paints the oases, icons and signs of universal culture: views of Paris with its squares, railway stations and bridges, Rome and Venice, Istanbul, the Samarkand mosques, the iridescent nights of Mumbai, landscapes of Tbilisi, the sky-blue beaches of Batumi and the Seychelles. He is interested in eternity captured in seconds: the illusory effect of simultaneous permanence and transience. The artist selects the specific atmosphere, lighting and weather effect, as well as color gradation for each work in order to create an unusual image from ordinary events and produce a celebration and a show. He is interested in cities and countries as the objects of civilization – the material systems of culture, whose aesthetic resources are designed to last an eternity.
Mamuka Tsetskhladze has an exceptional knowledge of painting as a retrospective experience. He is familiar with its modern achievements and technical capabilities, and employs them masterfully to navigate through the complex labyrinths of the profession from which he derives his unique style.
Baia Tsikoridze